Finding Joy (even if you are in a funk)

achoose joy mesh vanessa multonHow can you find Joy when you are down in the dumps and feeling heavy in the heart?  I am no expert but I have found a lot of pointers that might help you. Instead of having to search on your own, maybe these tips will help you rise out of a funk.  (Remember, none of this is medical advise but these things have helped me..)  Most of the ideas are free or very affordable.

Take a walk in a forest, sit under a tree, hug a tree or walk on the beach barefoot.  The negative ions are very beneficial like the tree essential oils when you diffuse them in your home.  Check out Disconnect from devices for a few hours a day, especially before bedtime. Sign up for the Do not call list and download MR NUMBER to your cell phone to stop unwanted calls.

Keep a gratitude journal and write a paragraph daily.  Don’t rent space out in your head to negative thoughts (see the book “Forgive for Good”).  Sign up for a daily affirmation to be delivered to your cell phone or email.

Practice random acts of kindness. Volunteer to help with the babies at church or an animal shelter. Read to the elderly at an assisted living facility.  Train a dog to do therapy work, obedience or agility. Go to a dog show. Play with puppies or kittens or just watch them play. Helping others usually makes you feel better. Learn T touch for dogs or reiki.  Take a toastmaster class.  Plan a trip even if you don’t go right away.  Day trips are fun too and affordable. I love to visit old Florida towns and go to the diners.

Go shopping at thrift stores or estate sales.  There are so many hidden treasures at these places.

Research your family tree.  is a great place to trace your roots and it is all free. Go to the library and check out their free events including guest speakers and movies.  The reference people will help teach you how to download books for free to your phone or mobile device.

Go to a massage school and get a massage or facial. Make your own foot scrubs and massage your feet with it.  Make up a bath salt with epsom salts and lavender essential oil.   Soak in a tub with calming music. Put a drop of Joy essential oil over your heart and your kidneys.

Listen to drum medicine music (mimics the heart beat).  Check out David and Steve Gordon.  Meditate and do yoga practice along with some breathing exercises.  Meditate daily with some Frankincense oil in the diffuser or  by applying to your palms and inhaling.  Do a chakra clearing with a pendulum and see which chakra needs an assist.

Fall in love with something or someone.  Find your passion and go with it. Close your eyes before you go to sleep and ask the Angels to assist you with any problems. Make sure you get good sleep. Try Lavender on the feet and inhaling it before sleep. If you wake up every night, ask your doctor if you might have apnea. Snore-guards may help.

Have your Vitamin D level checked. Low levels can cause problems in many forms as it is more of a hormone than a vitamin. Whole food vitamins are always a better choice than synthetic varieties. Take probiotics daily to support the gut. Good bacteria in the gut helps to absorb nutrients and has even been noted to help with anxiety. (See Trudy Scott). Make a green smoothie every day.  You can get a refurbished vitamix for less $. Check your blood sugar levels with a personal meter to see what foods spike your insulin levels. Dr Mark Hyman (Blood Sugar Solution author) recommends PGX fiber to help stabilize blood sugar. High sugar levels are likened to glass particles in your arteries and found to be much more harmful than good fats like olive oil and ghee. Eat no processed foods. Do an elimination diet to see if certain foods are making you feel bad. Not all food allergies show up on blood or skin tests.  See

Try something that you always wanted to do.  Take guitar lessons,art lessons or tai chi. Try a cooking class, or cake decorating. The local recreation departments have options. Senior centers offer trips by bus to make new friends. Go to a local zoo. Take a picnic lunch to a local park and watch the ducks.

Get a Heart Math device and learn how your thoughts are affecting your body/mind/spirit.  for more information and for the research.

Fall in love with books again. has audio downloads that you can try for free. Listen to books in the car and let the car be your university.  If the library doesn’t have a book, I look for used books from Check out SPOTIFY for great commercial free music. Listen to the songs from your youth and sing along.

When someone hurts you, they are hurting so pray for them.  Attend services of some sort. People who gather together live longer.  Try for a variety of great groups.  If you don’t have nice parents or they have gone to Heaven, love on someone else’s parents.   Read the book “In Sheep’s Clothing” for a new perspective on people that are bothering you.

Make bone broth and consume it daily for great nutrition. Bone broth is very affordable to make in a crock pot.  Use organic beef bones if possible. Stay hydrated and add some minerals to the water on occasion.  Have your iodine level tested.

Listen to online summits for free to see what experts have to say about challenges that you might be facing. Online summits are free for a short time. Hay House and Health Talks online are good choices.  One Spirit Medicine is an amazing account of a Shaman’s personal journey back to health from a devastating diagnosis. Get an acupuncture treatment or learn acupressure.

Look for cute cartoons.  I love cartoons, especially from people who use animals like the talented Maria Scrivan. Laugh every day.  Watch comedy, not criminal shows.

Move your body every day. Stretch and take time to relax too.  Eat more greens.  Smile…

Try to limit your exposure to chemicals and pesticides in food, and personal care products. Whatever you put on your skin ends up in the blood. Organic foods are worth the extra money as reduce your exposure to pesticides and chemicals.  Farmers markets might be a good place to purchase organic or grow your own.  Don’t be afraid to sweat. It releases toxins.

Don’t forget to breathe. When you are stressed, holding the breath can make you feel worse. Take a minute to remember that because you breathe, you are a child of God and he loves you.

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1 Response to Finding Joy (even if you are in a funk)

  1. Marie Conrad says:

    Thanks so much for the wonderful ideas!

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